
来源:A加未来       时间:2020-04-20 17:18



  1.American and National Identity(NAT)
  2.Work,Exchange,and Technology(WXT)
  3.Geography and the Environment(GEO)
  4.Politics and Power(POL)
  5.America in the World(WOR)
  6.Migration and Settlement(MIG)
  7.Culture and Society(CUL)
  1、Period 1(1491-1607):占5%
  这个时间段主要是在选择题和简答题中考察,例如2015年Short Answer Question第一题对比Chesapeake region和New England之间的相同和不同。建议同学们不要在这个时间段耗费过多的精力,了解印第安人的生活概况以及几个典型的印第安部落,以及哥伦布大交换给新世界和旧世界带来的影响。
  1.Political and religious reasons behind exploration of the New World by European countries.
  2.Effects of settlement on Native American tribes and resulting tensions.
  3.The early exploration of Spanish,English and French
  GEO-1.0:Explain how geographic and environmental factors shaped the development of various communities,and analyze how competition for and debates over natural resources have affected both interactions among different groups and the development of government policies.
  WXT 1.0:Explain how different labor systems developed in North America and the United States,and explain their effects on workers'lives and U.S.society.
  WOR-1.0:Explain how cultural interaction,cooperation,competition,and conflict between empires,nations,and peoples have influenced political,economic,and social developments in North America.
  2、Period 2(1607-1754):占10%
  这一章的重点在于英国十三个殖民地的形成和发展,和西班牙/法国殖民地发展模式的区别(殖民目标/文化/与当地印第安人的关系)以及英属殖民地内部南方和北方的区别,第一次大觉醒的原因及影响。可以参考05年以及05Form B的LEQ。
  1.The colonization of Spanish,French and Dutch
  2.Major differences among New England,Middle,Chesapeake,and Southern colonies
  3.Causes and effects of the Great Awakening
  4.The resistance to Colonial Authority
  MIG-1.0:Explain the causes of migration to colonial North America and,later,the United States,and analyze immigration's effects on U.S.society.
  WOR-1.0:Explain how cultural interaction,cooperation,competition,and conflict between empires,nations,and peoples have influenced political,economic,and social developments in North America.
  NAT-1.0:Explain how ideas about democracy,freedom,and individualism found expression in the development of cultural values,political institutions,and American identity.
  WXT-2.0:Explain how patterns of exchange,markets,and private enterprise have developed,and analyze ways that governments have responded to economic issues.
  3、Period 3(1754-1800):占12%
  英国结束了善意忽视年代,七年战争后开始对殖民地加强控制,由此触动殖民地人民的反抗,美国独立战争爆发。新政府的成立以及美国前两任总统期间的政治、经济、外交事务。例如2015年LEQ考察过的Seven Years War。05年DBQ考察过的独立战争的影响,06 Form B,07 Form B的宪法,注意宪法与Articles of confederation的区别。
  1.Events leading to Revolutionary War and its effect on colonies
  2.laws issued by British government and the responses from colonies
  3.The mission behind the Articles of Confederation
  4.The events and results of the American Revolution
  5.Differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists and the major political figures on each side
  6.the political,economical,foreign policies of the George Washington’s presidency
  7.John Adam’s presidency
  NAT-1.0:Explain how ideas about democracy,freedom,and individualism found expression in the development of cultural values,political institutions,and American identity.
  POL-2.0:Explain how popular movements,reform efforts,and activist groups have sought to change American society and institutions.
  CUL-3.0:Explain how ideas about women's rights and gender roles have affected society and politics.
  4、Period 4(1800-1848):占10%
  新生的共和国经济发展(市场革命)、领土扩张(路易斯安那和美墨战争)和人口变化(老移民),民主范围的扩大和社会改良活动。例如04 Form B女性的地位的变化,07年Form B老移民的经历,以及第二次大觉醒的影响等。
  1.Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and Judicial Review
  2.Events leading to War of 1812 and its effect on policy/society
  3.Reasons behind formation of political parties and their effect on government
  4.Economic growth and Economic crisis
  6.Major activists and events of the Abolition Movement
  NAT-4.0:Analyze relationships among different regional,social,ethnic,and racial groups,and explain how these groups’experiences have related to U.S.national identity.
  POL-1.0:Explain how and why political ideas,beliefs,institutions,party systems,and alignments have developed and changed.
  POL-2.0:Explain how popular movements,reform efforts,and activist groups have sought to change American society and institutions.
  POL-3.0:Explain how different beliefs about the federal government's role in U.S.social and economic life have affected political debates and policies.
  WXT-2.0:Explain how patterns of exchange,markets,and private enterprise have developed,and analyze ways that governments have responded to economic issues.
  5、Period 5(1844-1877):占13%
  十九世纪四十年代,美国版图继续往西扩张,南北之间的冲突激化,以及南北战争的影响和战后重建是否有效地改变美国社会。例如05年Form B的DBQ,以及重建是否对黑人的生活有很大的改善,例如政治/经济和社会等方面。
  1.Causes and results of the Mexican War
  2.Slavery as a major nationwide issue and how it helped lead to Civil War
  3.Constitutional amendments,acts,laws put into action as a result of the Civil War
  4.Many troubles African Americans faced upon emancipation,such as Jim Crow laws,KKK
  NAT-3.0:Analyze how ideas about national identity changed in response to U.S.involvement in international conflicts and the growth of the United States.
  M1G-2.0:Analyze causes of internal migration and patterns of settlement in what would become the United States,and explain how migration has affected American life.
  WOR-2.0:Analyze the reasons for,and results of,U.S.diplomatic,economic,and military initiatives in North America and overseas.
  CUL-4.0:Explain how different group identities,including racial,ethnic,class,and regional identities,have emerged and changed overtime.
  6、Period 6(1865-1898):占13%
  战后的美国经历了第二次工业革命,工业化和城市化社会带来显著的经济、政治、外交、社会和环境的变化。此阶段应重点关注国内人口移动,Theodore Roosevelt的内政,外交,工会(07年LEQ),美西战争(08Form B以及2015年)
  1.Industry consolidation and Monopolization
  2.Increasing division of wealth and development of active working class and labor unions
  3.Continued westward expansion,development of frontier,violent dealings with Native Americans
  4.Populist movement and debates over gold and silver
  5.New Imperialism&Spanish-American War(1898)
  WXT-3.0:Analyze how technological innovation has affected economic development and society.
  WOR-2.0:Analyze the reasons for,and results of,U.S.diplomatic,economic,and military initiatives in North America and overseas.
  POL-3.0:Explain how different beliefs about the federal government's role in U.S.social and economic life have affected political debates and policies.
  WXT 3.0:Analyze how technological innovation has affected economic development and society.
  CUL-2.0:Explain how artistic,philosophical,and scientific ideas have developed and shaped society and institutions.
  7、Period 7(1890-1945):占17%
  这章重难点非常多。此时美国面临很大的国内和全球挑战,使美国人开始争论政府的恰当的管辖范围,并试图定义其国际角色。05年Form B和06年LEQ都考过进步主义时期,04FRQ/2017LEQ罗斯福,07b的LEQ战争中如何从国内前线得到的帮助。
  1.How Progressivism affected society-changes in government and voting policies,Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal
  2.Overseas expansion and continued involvement in foreign affairs
  3.The Progressive presidency:Roosevelt’s,Taft and Wilson
  4.Wilson's Fourteen Points and Post-World War I peace negotiations
  5.Post-World War I cultural events,changes in the arts,and reactions from conservative society
  6.The complexities of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and how it changed society;New Deal opponents
  7.Roles of women and minorities during war,internment of Japanese Americans,etc.
  POL-2.0:Explain how popular movements,reform efforts,and activist groups have sought to change American society and institutions.
  POL-3.0:Explain how different beliefs about the federal government's role in U.S.social and economic life have affected political debates and policies.
  CUL-3.0:Explain how ideas about women's rights and gender roles have affected society and politics.
  NAT-3.0:Analyze how ideas about national identity changed in response to U.S.involvement in international conflicts and the growth of the United States.
  8、Period 8(1945-1980):占15%
  1.The Cold War:George Kennan and containment;The Marshall Plan;NATO&The Warsaw Pact;communism in Asia;Bay of Pigs;Cuban Missile Crisis
  2.The rise and fall of McCarthyism
  3.Domestic and international events leading up to Vietnam War
  4.Major causes,effects and leaders of the Civil Rights Movement
  5.Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and effects
  6.Richard Nixon's presidency(political,economic and foreign policy)
  POL-1.0:Explain how and why political ideas,beliefs,institutions,party systems,and alignments have developed and changed.
  POL-3.0:Explain how different beliefs about the federal government's role in U.S.social and economic life have affected political debates and policies.
  CUL-3.0:Explain how ideas about women's rights and gender roles have affected society and politics.
  WXT-3.0:Analyze how technological innovation has affected economic development and society.
  M1G-2.0:Analyze causes of internal migration and patterns of settlement in what would become the United States,and explain how migration has affected American life.
  9、Period 9(1980-现在):占5%
  1.Reagan's presidency(economic policy,Star Wars,Iran-Contra)
  2.New Right and the conservative agenda
  3.The end of Cold War
  4.Affirmative action debates
  5.Events leading to 9/11;the"War on Terror"and its impact on society
  WOR-2.0:Analyze the reasons for,and results of,U.S.diplomatic,economic,and military initiatives in North America and overseas.
  NAT-3.0:Analyze how ideas about national identity changed in response to U.S.involvement in international conflicts and the growth of the United States.

